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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Posts: 1,675
Default RFC website survey: Brussels sprouts - love 'em or hate 'em?

Here's how I make brussels sprouts.

I prep them by cutting off the growing end (South Pole), the cut them in
half long wise (through a longitude line). While doing so, I can trim
off any yellow outer leaves and examine for bugs. I toss them in the
collander and rinse.

While prepping, I've got a pot of water coming to a boil. When it is
boiling fast, I put in the brussels sprouts, cover, and remove from heat
entirely. I don't wait for it to regain a boil. Set a timer for
exactly 5 minutes. When it rings, I drain off the water.

From there, they can be served with butter (Jim) or salad dressing
(me). Hollandaise would be perfect, but I don't often go to the
trouble. (Note to self: Make hollandaise; it is fun, and you love it.)

With leftovers, I toss in a fry pan with butter and brown them a tad.
Plain salt and pepper work well with brussels sprouts (Jim) or lemon
pepper (me).

I've put the leftovers, cold, on salads. Don't ask me why, but people
who don't ordinarily like them will eat them that way.
