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Muddle Muddle is offline
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Default washing supermarket meat before frying

"Omelet" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "Muddle" > wrote:
> > > But water is what I use to make the spiced rice flour and cornstarch

> > > stick to the meat. I don't use batters.

> >
> > I rinse poultry, but don't bother drying it. Frying poultry means the
> > grease is going to splatter or spit even if only from the moisture in

> > meat, which is why I always fry meat in a tall pot with about three

> > of oil in it so I don't have to clean up every surrounding kitchen

> > and I use a pair of long tongs. After about 10 to 15 min, depending on

> > cut of meat, the oil quits viciously spitting or splattering and the

meat is
> > either done or ready to turn depending on the level of grease. If the

> > of oil completely covers the meat it's deep fried and if it's only half

> > up the sides it's called pan fry. Either way I use a tall pot and long
> > tongs.
> > Now if your baking poultry that's another story, you do want to dry it

> > then. Excess moisture prevents the skin from browning. I know it's not
> > healthy, but the skin is the best part of baked chicken. Here at my

> > we fight over the skin and feed most of the meat to the dog. I usually

> > chicken thighs, because they often add that long flap of skin which

> > that boneless, skinless chicken breast everyone else buys.

> I only coat chicken if I'm deep frying and I use an actual deep fryer.
> Coating the wet meat eliminates the spatter as it's all soaked up.
> As for pan frying, there is not enough oil in the pan for it to be an
> issue.
> The third main way I cook poultry is outdoor wood grilling. The meat is
> quite wet from the marinade. ;-) Spatter is not an issue.
> --
> Peace, Om
> Remove _ to validate e-mails.
> "My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack


I don't care what Jack Nicholson says, your occasionally so full of yourself
it isn't really, very nearly, ever or always funny!
WTF is an actual deep fryer, but a pot filled with oil and heated to between
350 to 380 degrees, please tell me what the ****ing difference is!
Oh, you can't make real fried chicken unless you've paid several thousand
dollars to have a deep fat fryer inserted into a red marble kitchen counter

As any Za Zen, atheistic Buddhist would say Oohhhmmmm!