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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default washing supermarket meat before frying

In article >,
"Muddle" > wrote:

> I don't care what Jack Nicholson says, your occasionally so full of yourself
> it isn't really, very nearly, ever or always funny!
> WTF is an actual deep fryer, but a pot filled with oil and heated to between
> 350 to 380 degrees, please tell me what the ****ing difference is!
> Oh, you can't make real fried chicken unless you've paid several thousand
> dollars to have a deep fat fryer inserted into a red marble kitchen counter
> top.

Good gods! My cooking experiences is all I'm sharing and nobody can
claim to be 100% right!

If you are going to get hostile, you will simply get killfiled or
ignored. Hostility is not productive.


Peace, Om

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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson