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Wayne Boatwright[_1_] Wayne Boatwright[_1_] is offline
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Default Your best do-ahead tips/tricks for Thanksgiving?

Oh pshaw, on Thu 16 Nov 2006 10:52:10p, Christine Dabney meant to say...

> On 17 Nov 2006 06:12:06 +0200, Wayne Boatwright
> <> wrote:
>>This may have already been suggested... I bake all my own pies,
>>pumpkin, pecan, and mincemeat. I make the pastry, roll and fill the
>>shells, then freeze and wrap securely in pastic wrap and return to the
>>freezer. I freeze the rolled dough for the top crust on a cookie sheet,
>>then wrap securely. This really cuts down on the final pie prep which I
>>do early Thanksgiving morning. A note on the whipped cream. Not only
>>can it be whipped in advance, but dollops can be spooned or piped on a
>>sheet of plastic wrap, then quick frozen. When firm they can be removed
>>to a ziploc bag. Added to the top of a dessert a few minutes before

> Great ideas, Wayne!!!!
> Do you fill your pies with custard mixtures and freeze them? Like
> pumpkin pies? Or wait til Thanksgiving morning?

I have tried prefilling and freezing, but I find the crust doesn't bake as
well and I'm a stickler for a flaky bottom crust. The pumpkin filling can
be made up a day ahead and kept refrigerated. When I make mincemeat I
store it in the freezer, so it only requires previous thawing. Only the
pecan pie filling has to be made that morning.

Wayne Boatwright

'If I had only known, I should have become a
watchmaker.' -- Einstein