Rice Krispie Treat-y thang - a chocolate log - need recipe
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> I HAVE searched for this without avail. My string might be off,
> though. And I should've taken a freakin' picture of them before we
> ate the bloody things!
> The gist: A dark-colored chocolate log maybe 1-1/2" diameter covered
> with the Krispie Treats mixture (I don't think it had pb in it), then
> sliced into coins maybe 1/2" thick.
> The ones I bought looked like two of those coins side by side and
> smooshed together a bit. Like if you assembled it this way: a thin
> rectangle of the Krispie Treats mixture, two of the chocolate logs
> laid parallel to the short sides, maybe 2" in from the edges, then
> the RKT rolled over them from both sides so that the end result was
> two of these RKT-covered chocolate logs side by side with a common
> bottom, then sliced. There's a pastry that looks like that.
> It's the chocolate center that's got me. It was kind of fudgy but I
> wouldn't say it was fudge. I would be surprised if any cooking were
> involved.
> Anybody have a name for what I'm looking for, or any good suggestions
> for faking the chocolate log?
> I await your counsel.
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Sounds easy to make. You can make the center using the simple condensed milk
and bittersweet chocolate fudge method. (The recipe is probably on the can,
or there are plenty of them online if you google. It's just bittersweet
chocolate melted with condensed milk and perhaps a little butter and
vanilla) Form the fudge into logs when it has thickened enough. Make rice
crispy treat stuff--the recipe's on the box--and form it around the fudge
logs. Chill and slice.