"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
>I HAVE searched for this without avail. My string might be off, though.
> And I should've taken a freakin' picture of them before we ate the
> bloody things!
> The gist: A dark-colored chocolate log maybe 1-1/2" diameter covered
> with the Krispie Treats mixture (I don't think it had pb in it), then
> sliced into coins maybe 1/2" thick.
> The ones I bought looked like two of those coins side by side and
> smooshed together a bit. Like if you assembled it this way: a thin
> rectangle of the Krispie Treats mixture, two of the chocolate logs laid
> parallel to the short sides, maybe 2" in from the edges, then the RKT
> rolled over them from both sides so that the end result was two of these
> RKT-covered chocolate logs side by side with a common bottom, then
> sliced. There's a pastry that looks like that.
> It's the chocolate center that's got me. It was kind of fudgy but I
> wouldn't say it was fudge. I would be surprised if any cooking were
> involved.
> Anybody have a name for what I'm looking for, or any good suggestions
> for faking the chocolate log?
> I await your counsel.
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> "Maligning an individual says more about you than the one you malign."
> http://web.mac.com/barbschaller; blahblahblog Barcelona on Foot
> http://jamlady.eboard.com
Is this what you're looking for?