Mincemeat Pie?
Dave Smith wrote:
> Goomba38 wrote:
> > > Have you ever tried it? It is really good. I was going the cranberry
> > > route to keep in theme with Turkey Day.
> >
> > I'm not a huge cranberry eater, and never could abide that jelly stuff.
> i trust that you are talking about the stuff in the can. It is
> vile and I can appreciate that anyone who has reason to associate
> canned cranberry sauce or cranberry jello with something that
> comes in a can would think it is disgusting. In our family
> cranberry sauce was always made form fresh or frozen cranberries
> NEVER from a can. Maybe that explains why I like it and so many
> other people hate it.
I love the canned stuff!! When I was a girl, my grandmother insisted
on making a cranberry/orange relish that was so bitter and sour that it
would pucker your asshole. I always would opt for the stuff that
slides out of the can rather than the homemade crappy concoction.