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phaeton phaeton is offline
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Posts: 433
Default freezing ground beef

Typically, my wrapping is going to be an airtight plastic container
such as rubbermaid or tupperware.

What's it going into? Probably burrito/taco/spaghetti/pizza, so i
guess the appearance doesn't matter so much. I just don't want to get

I live with my fiancee. She's a vegetarian, I'm not. So oftentimes
when I cook something, I make two versions of it simultaneously. It
seems a lot of recipes are conveniently sized to use say, a pound of
meat, but when I split it I end up with some left over. Since I'll be
eating leftovers for a couple of days, I figure the raw meat would
perish in the fridge. So I freeze it.

Sound good?

