aem wrote:
> wrote:
>>Planning to make some for Thanksgiving. What do you think is the best
>>brand to use?
> Everyone'll tell you to make your own, and that's fine. But I've used
> Mrs. Cubbison's cornbread stuffing mix with success both for dressing
> with sausage and for dressing with oysters. -aem
I have never had a commercial version i liked as much as home made,
which is really very easy to make, the most complicated part is sauteing
the onions & celery before adding to whatever other ingredients one
desires and stuffing the bird to roast.
Onion and Sage stuffing
Bake 4 large unpeeled onions and when soft, peel and chop finely. Melt
some butter in a pan and add the onions, a pinch of chopped fresh or
rubbed dry sage and cook gently for a few minutes.
Add the same weight of white bread crumbs soaked in milk and squeezed.
Celery, sausage, chestnuts, grated carrots, meat stock (to replace the
milk), garlic, olives or just about any other ingredient that appeals
can be added.