The annual weird appliance
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The annual weird appliance
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> On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 23:54:28 GMT, "Phyllis Stone" >
> wrote:
> >I don't know if this will qualify for a weird appliance but my husband, not
> >me, bought an automatic trash can. Maybe everyone already has one but I
> >thought it was a really stupid thing to buy, until I got used to it and I
> >love it. It has a sensor in the lid and you approach it and it opens and
> >then closes. I would never have bought this, it was about $50.oo at Sams. I
> >think it would make a great Christmas gift.
> I'm sure my dogs would really appreciate having something like that
> around. Just approach it and it opens. Magic.
> Jo Anne, who has to lock up her garbage.
Or cats. Our little Emily was miss prim and propper but throw some bones
in the garbage and she'd become super street cat.
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