In article >,
Jo Anne Slaven > wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Nov 2006 14:35:35 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
> > wrote:
> >Tater Tot Hotdish
> >
> >Crumble 1-1/2 pounds raw ground round into the bottom of a 9x13" pan.
> >Sprinkle with a packet of Lipton's onion soup mix. Cover with canned
> >French style green beans (1 or two cans - I don't recall - whatever
> >looks right). Combine one can (possibly two) of cream of mushroom
> >soup with one can (possibly two) of milk. Pour resulting glop over
> >the green beans. Cover glop with tater tots. Bake at 350F for one
> >hour.
> That is the most disgusting thing I have ever read.
> Jo Anne
LOL! Really? You gotta get out more, Jo Anne. :-0)
I wonder whose idea it was initially - the Campbell's folks, the
Lipton's folks, or the Ore-Ida folks. I'm guess the Ore-Ida folks - I
have a feeling the onion soup mix and the cream of stuff soup were
available before the Tater Tots and the recipe was a way to encourage
people to venture into Tater Tot land incorporating ingredients they
were already familiar with.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
"Maligning an individual says more about you than the one you malign."; blahblahblog