Bad Bakery - No Donut
T wrote:
> So on Saturday the SO bought a coconut custard pie from the local
> bakery. We've bought them from the same store before and they were
> pretty good. This time however, the custard was lumpy and resembled
> scrambled eggs more than custard.
> He tried to take it back and was told that they couldn't. Of course his
> mistake was doing this all over the phone. It is too easy to fluff off
> someone on the phone, not so easy to do it to someone standing in front
> of you.
> Anyway, I took it back today. The girl at the counter used the same line
> and I asked her to call the owner, even said please.
> Next this old white haired lady comes out, and is furiously pounding the
> register. She hands me the money and says "Don't you ever step foot in
> here again." to which I replied that she didn't need to worry, both I
> and friends would avoid the bakery.
> What the hell happened to customer service? When did it die and why
> wasn't I notified?
> In case you're wondering, its Scialo Brothers Bakery on Atwells Avenue
> in Providence, RI.
Hmmm, if it wasn't an ethnic bakery, I'd suggest a letter tot he editor
of the Journal, but better safe than sorry when you're in RI....
(Do you suppose it was Mamma Scialo herself? I guess I'd be more
worried about mal occhio than Cosa Nostra.)
gloria p