freezing ground beef
One time on Usenet, "Nancy2" > said:
> phaeton wrote:
> > Typically, my wrapping is going to be an airtight plastic container
> > such as rubbermaid or tupperware.
> >
> Free tip for the season: Freeze each pound flat - smoosh it to
> completely fill a gallon Ziplock freezer bag in a thin, even layer. It
> will thaw in minutes (sealed, dunked in cold water, or laid flat on an
> aluminum cookie sheet). Additionally, smooshing the meat out to fill
> the bag without letting in any additional air makes it more impervious
> to freezer burn.
> Also, you can just break off enough of the flat layer for one portion
> or one burger, if you want, without thawing the whole thing.
Great tip, Nancy -- thanks... :-)
"Little Malice" is Jani in WA
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~