I'm not some kind of BBQ afficianado, but soon I will be

yes... I was a lowly gas cooker, Hank Hill if you will.... and I am
ashamed to say that I am an IT manager at a wholesale food distributor,
which houses it's own USDA meat processing facility...fer shame, fer
Two co-workers, and a friend, all bought big green eggs. I finally
broke down and bought one as well. I looked at the Kamado, but the
price they quoted me was....OK, about $2000.00 shipped for a #5, maybe
it had some tile or something.. im not sure, I wasn't too impressed
with the guy on the phone.
Needless to say, I wen't to visit my VERY friendly and knowlegable
local Egg dealer, Fritz Smickle. He set me up with a Large egg, nest,
and a bunch of accessories, more freebies than I could carry, and more
advice than I could remember. Very nice guy.
First night was Ribeye Steaks, with the bone, seared at 750 degrees,
they were delightfull, then I did a Pork Butt for about 12 hours...
ehhhh so-so... gonna need some more practice there. Then last night I
did some Salmon fillets. Here is where you gotta pay attention...
I have a big bowl-lift type Kitchenaid mixer, I put about a cup of
honey in it, added about a half cup of brown sugar and started mixing,
this made some sort of paste... I added Jack Daniels while mixing until
it had the consistance of BBQ sauce. Dipped the salmon Filets in the
mix and immediatly put on the grill.... PURE HEAVEN!!!
Feel free to use or modify as you see fit, let me know if you make it
Now for the question. Friday night (Yes the day after Tgiving) I will
cook a whole Lip-on for the family after they get back from shopping. I
am thinking just basic salt and pepper, using the indirect plate under
the grate at 300degrees till done... any suggestions?