On 21 Nov 2006 05:50:23 -0800, "jerryeveretts" >
>> Well, boy. Looks like you done jumped in with both feet! Although I've been
>> said to give people a lot of lip, I got no idea of what a 'whole Lip-on'
>> is, so all I can suggest is: http://www.eaglequest.com/~bbq/
>Nick. a Lipon is a whole boneless rib roast, usually around 15lb.
>"Prime Rib, Lip On, Bone out".
>This is typically what restaurants buy and server as Prime Rib,
>regardless of the grade.
>Here is one of the finer variety's.
$34.56 a pound? Before shipping? I don't think so.
Then again, if I want Kobe beef from Snake River Farms, I can walk
exactly 1.5 blocks from my front step. I'm pretty sure I won't be
paying $34.56 a pound, either.