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Kathleen Kathleen is offline
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Posts: 55
Default Would You Pay For Your Groceries "By Touch"

T wrote:
> In article >,
> says...

>>I figure between my fingerprints, my mouthful of dental work and my HLA
>>profile on file with the Bone Marrow Donor Registery, if I'm ever
>>disastered they should be able to figure out if it's me or not, even if
>>there's only scraps left.

> In the case of a catastrophe, they might not even be able to identify
> you via those methods. Just my little cheerful thought for the day.

<shrug> You can only do what you can do. In that case I would hope my
next of kin (however distant they might be) would know enough to
eventually make the appropriate assumptions and initiate procedures to
deal with the situation. It makes no difference to me - dead is dead -
but I take care of documentation as a courtesy to survivors and executors.

