OT - gettin' annoyed
On Thu, 23 Nov 2006 18:26:27 GMT, The Bubbo >
>Dan Abel wrote:
>> In article .com>,
>> "denise~*" > wrote:
>>> 80's pic, but I posted the most current, up to date picture I had that
>>> was literally taken just a few weeks ago that I submitted for the mug
>>> shot page!
>> But I don't want to see what you looked like a few weeks ago, I want to
>> see what you look like *now*.
>> :-)
>> I Emailed my picture a few minutes after my wife took it.
>I want live video feeds of everyone.
EVERYONE? Whaddya, crazy??
>but I'm creepy like that.
>My photo is a year old.
And a very nice photo it is.
TammyM, would prefer to NOT know some things (video feed indeed!)