Salt Crust Grill
On Fri, 24 Nov 2006 07:22:28 -0600, sd > wrote:
>In article >,
> "Matthew Givens" > wrote:
>> Okay, I'm curious as to what the purpose is of a salt crust grill.
>> I've seen them used on Iron Chef, and I found some recipes for them on the
>> net. What I haven't seen is a description of why in the world anyone would
>> encase meat in salt before cooking it! What benefit does it bring that
>> can't be realized with something commonplace as a sealed aluminum cover over
>> the pan? Wouldn't it make the meat ubearably salty?
>One of the recipes people ask me for most frequently is for my
>salt-crusted chicken. It has two ingredients. :-) But people can't
>believe how moist and unsalty the chicken is after being encased in
I think you should post that recipe....