KitchenAid Attachment Pasta Roller Set - Cleaning
"Will" > wrote in message
> Dee Randall wrote:
>> Guess I was not clear enough.
> I understood you <g>. Let me come at it this way. I have had this KA
> attachment since it was first introduced. My cleaning regime has been,
> let the rollers and cutters dry, then brush them.
> It is true that bacteria must be present, yet I am quite comfortable
> with the unit. 1) The numbers of critters that can survive on dry,
> brushed clean, stainless steel is limited. So you are not building or
> expanding a culture on the rollers. To the contrary, the length of time
> that the appliance is stored works against the bacteria. There is
> nothing to eat and the environment is dry. 2) the length of time that
> elapses between when a new dough can be contaminated, meaning rolled
> and cut, and the time pit is cooked is insignificant. Assuming
> contamination, the inoculation is so small, that many, many, hours
> would be required to reach a critical mass. Your pasta doesn't sit
> that long. It is cooked, usually within the hour... is it not? 3) The
> pasta begins drying as soon as it is rolled. The drying increases
> rapidly after cutting. Since this drying works against the bacteria,
> the chance of contamination reaching the point of causing illness is
> remote. Finally, 4) the boiling is well... the end. Everything is
> sterilized. What might make you ill is the toxic residue from the
> bacteria. But you would have needed a significant culture. That does
> not happen when the unit is stored dry and the pasta is used promptly.
> This really is a safe appliance. Millions of Italians cannot be wrong
> <g>.
Geez, thanks, Will. You spent a lot of time on enlightening me. Don't
think I don't appreciate it!
I generally store food where moths, bugs, insects cannot get to them.
However, a toaster and toaster oven which is out on the counter/under a ss
table regularly has loads of crumbs in them. I guess I can put my roller
set in a medium-sized tupper-ware-type covered container to keep those
little buggers out, even though I don't expect to have many pieces from the
Thanks again, for the needed answer.
Saved, filed, and used soonest, I hope.