One time on Usenet, PeterL > said:
> unge (Little Malice) wrote in
> :
> > One time on Usenet, "Nexis" > said:
> >> Just wanted to pop on here and say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
> >> It's now 16
> >> minutes before midnight and I just got home after spending all day at
> >> my mom's baking pies and crescents and dinner rolls.
> >> Have a wonderful day, whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving or
> >> not. I am thankful for all of you in this group. :-)
> > Hey, I'm thankful for you, Kimberly -- I made your fruit salad to
> > take to my aunt's house (we had 30 or so people, I lost count) and
> > it went over very well. Happy T-Day... :-)
I did count it up today, there were 29 of us. :-)
> Has Thanksgiving Day over there turned into the same as Christmas Day
> just about everywhere? ie, people like the day and enjoy the holiday but
> have lost sight of what it started out as.
Hmmm, yes and no. U.S. Thanksgiving is loosely based on the
survival of the Pilgrims, but the actual holiday was created by
Abraham Lincoln in 1863 to be set aside as a day of thanksgiving.
So while my family didn't talk about the Pilgrims yesterday, we did
say a prayer before dinner and talked about what we are thankful
Jani in WA