Turkey Gravy Revisited (long)
Oh pshaw, on Fri 24 Nov 2006 10:18:30a, TammyM meant to say...
> On 24 Nov 2006 05:37:42 +0200, Wayne Boatwright
> <wayneboatwright_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>>I've always made decent gravy, in fact most people would say excellent,
>>but I wanted to try something different this year. The results were
>>superior to anything I've made in the past. This is what I did...
> <snipped>
> Wow Wayne! This sounds fabulous. I thought **my** turkey gravy was
> good, but I'll be trying your method next time.
> Here's what I did based on a method from the Silver Palate girls:
> Put a bed of carrot/celery/onion (chunked) in the roasting pan.
> Plopped turkey on top. Added 3 cups of water to the pan and the
> turkey neck and giblets. Roasted turkey, basting occasionally with
> butter. Removed turkey to rest on a warmed and foil-tented plate.
> Strained pan juices. Put them back in the roasting pan and added
> about a cup of chicken broth. Seasoned liberally with s&p and some
> granulated garlic. Thickened with Wondra flour. VERY tasty, my only
> complaint was that there wasn't MORE!
> TammyM
Thanks, Tammy! I'll bet yours came out very similar to mine. It sounds
delicious. I think the vegetables are essential, both for the aromatic
qualities and the juices they exude. I've never tried a Silver Palate
recipe I didn't like. :-)
Wayne Boatwright
Useless Invention: Solar powered night light.