Another Leftover Turkey Suggestion
> > The versions I had there, if I remember correctly, had tomato
> > somewhere in it. At least one version did, I think. I think it was
> > part of the sandwich, but I could be wrong and the tomatoes may have
> > been on the side.
> >
> > Did you run across any versions where tomatoes were listed as an
> > ingredient?
> >
> > Christine
> In the (fiction) book I was reading there were sliced tomatoes on the
> sandwich before the gravy was poured on top but I didn't really look for a
> recipe link which would include tomatoes.
My mom used to make a similar hot turkey sandwich which used a tomato
slice along with bacon and cheese sauce; those were called Turkey
Devonshires. I think there was a restaurant in the Pittsburgh area
which made these but the name escapes me.