Making more gravy: re-roast carcass?
maxine in ri wrote:
> I have yet to get pan drippings. This year, I put 2 cups of wine in
> the bottom of the roaster, and 3 hours later, poured off what was in
> there. It was all fat. Really. It conjealed and there was nothing
> under it.
> I threw another cup of wine in there, scrapped the areas that weren't
> too burnt looking, and added that to the giblet broth, a little roux,
> and cooked it down. Strained it and it was lovely.
> But it's always burnt on the bottom of the roasting pan.
> Whatamidoingwrong?
I don't deglaze the pan until after the turkey is off and out. There
aren't always a lot, but it is there and I'll use what I have. I don't
add liquid to the pan during roasting either.