I can't stop thinking about that ISP problem... it's too
weird for words. I think they gave you the wrong
information about why you were busted.
I know you're normally a careful user, but maybe you have
some spyware, worm or a Trojan that is sending spam from
your computer. Have you scanned your computer with a
program like AdAware or SpyBot Search & Destroy lately? Do
you have a personal firewall?
According to a recent article in my newspaper called
Study: Home PCs top spam source
By Hiawatha Bray of the Boston Globe
spammers send a worm that turns a home computer into a spam
relay and most of the infected computers are connected via
The article stated that the main reason why these people are
infected is that they don't keep their protection up to
date. Warning, warning, you may be infected.
Even if this doesn't apply to your situation, I hope other
home users will immediately scan their computers with
AdAware (free version)
then back it up with a personal firewall
Zone Alarm (free version)
and antivirus protection
If they have all of the above, then I hope the update their
protection immediately!
Gotta run - I'm off to a Friday wedding.
Practice safe eating - always use condiments