The Turkey Day Tally: How did your dinner turn out?
On Sat, 25 Nov 2006 21:01:26 -0800, "Nexis" > wrote:
>Since I wasn't brining, I
>decided to try salting (as described in either Cook's Illustrated for Fine Cooking, I
>don't quite recall which). It's quite simple, just separate the skin from the breast
>meat, and rub kosher salt all over the flesh, then do the same inside the cavity. I
>did this Tuesday morning, then wrapped it tightly in Saran wrap. The end result: A
>delicious, moist, flavorful turkey with a nice crisp skin. So, that is one of the
>dishes that really worked for me.
I am glad to hear that worked well. I am salting my has
been salted since Thursday night. I am following the instructions per
the LA Times, which is essentially the same. Just turned it on it's
breast tonight..then will wake up in the middle of the night to unwrap
it to let it dry out. Will roast it tomorrow afternoon.