Can Milk Be Frozen?
King's Crown wrote:
> My parents did exactly that froze milk, so they wouldn't have to go to the
> store as often. It was 2 percent milk. I personally thought it was awful.
> I think some of the milk fat wouldn't incorporate back in the milk and it
> had white spots in the milk as you drank it. Very unappetizing and it just
> didn't taste right to me. I was a teenager and might have psyched myself
> out, but as an adult I will never freeze milk because of that experience.
I'm with you on this one. I know it doesn't do any 'harm' to freeze milk
but I have always found that the milk we buy here 'separates' after
thawing. (Our 'full-cream' milk contains 3.4g of milk fat per 100ml of
milk). Hence, I don't freeze milk if I can avoid it.
Chatty Cathy