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The Bubbo The Bubbo is offline
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Default The Turkey Day Tally: How did your dinner turn out?

Nexis wrote:
> I am really happy with how my dinner came out this year, and there were no
> catastrophes! How was yours?
> kimberly

you dinner sounded great!

For the second year running i did not cook a huge thanksgiving dinner. last
year it was just David and I so I made a nice little dinner for us. this year
his parents were in town so we all converged on his sister's house for dinner.

His sister and her husband (mostly the husband) made a great, traditional
thanksgiving dinner with all the sides, including green bean casserole.

My contributions were the Cook's Illustrated spiced pumpkin cheesecake with
bourbon cream sauce and figgy pear parnouti. the cheesecake turned out
beautifully, it was one of the best I'd ever made and the leftover bourbon
cream sauce is EXCELLENT on Nilla wafers.

the recipe for the figgy pear parnouti:

David's sister asked me to bring a fruit side dish that their mom could eat.
She has a number of food allergies and dietary restrictions so I did a bunch
of research and modifications and that's what I came up with.

I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.