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Sarah[_1_] Sarah[_1_] is offline
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Default The Turkey Day Tally: How did your dinner turn out?

"Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote in message
> Goomba38 >
> :
>> Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
>>> Michael <- whose son is dating a 47 year old widow with grown
>>> children... AND she is a stripper <cough> entertainer. Doesn't
>>> bother me but Steven is stroking over it.

>> ohmygawd. people pay to see 47 year old strippers? ewwwwwwwwwwww
>> I'd be stroking out too.

> She is considered a "hottie" in some circles. She was here, in St. Louis,
> for Thanksgiving. She stayed in my home. Surprisingly, I wasn't phased by
> it. I do not care what people's economic background is. I'm more
> judgemental about cleanliness. They stayed only a short time. Steven
> chalked it up to another poor parenting issue. IMO he's full of shit and
> told him so. IMO treat them as you would anyone else. Yes, you are
> allowed
> to be shocked or even surprised. Still treat them with respect.
> Michael
> --
> Health food may be good for the conscience but Oreos taste
> a hell of a lot better.
> - Robert Redford

Well said Michael. Some of our decicisions in life are not what our kids
would choose, so why should we be judgemental of them? It's hard but we have
to let them enjoy life, live how they want to, and may be regret it later...
and say, well my Mom/Dad gave their opinion, but suported me.
That's all you can do, point out the pit falls, then welcome the SO into the
My Mum and Dad have done just that, Mum said, 'as long as you realise that
you'll always have to work, and not get to be a house wife, like you said
you wanted, then that's fine, I like your SO but it's not the life I wanted
for you.... 10 years later, I don't regret a day, I was our decision, and
Mum and Dad have never said ITYS, my Hubby is welcome at my parents any
time, and appreciates the support. (I work he stays home and looks after
DS). It's hard sometimes, but I can never blame my parents for influencing
my decision, they've always given me the help we both sometimes need!
We both know they're always there for us.
Tell Steven to cool it, take a powder or something, and it'll turn out in
the end, whether she's the one for him or not...
(please don't let my DS do the same!! He's only 5 and no one will be good
enough I'm sure)
