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Jude Jude is offline
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Default The Turkey Day Tally: How did your dinner turn out?

sandi wrote:
> "Jude" > wrote in
> > My family's requirement for holidays is called Coffee Toffee
> > Pie. It's a recipe from a place called Blum's Coffee Shop, and
> > it's been made since the 50s. It's a heart attack in a pie
> > pan. I'm afraid to give out the recipe, lol!

> Hi again
> Got curious about the recipe so found these:
> And one without the raw eggs
> Looks heavenly:
> sting/filter/guests/recipeID/274/Recipe.cfm OR
> your shorter link is:
> Thank you Jude for the inspiration.

That's a typical lowfat wanna be version. Not even close to the
original......fluffy looking but not nearly decadent enough!!

Sorry I didn't do a pic but it was goooooooooood!

Don't know how my grandma ended up with a family recipe from a San
Francisco coffeeshop in her Indiana home, but it's been a requirement
for every family gathering for years. As a kid I liked it so much, I
requested one as my birthday cake with I turned 9.

If anyone wants the gooey fat laden raw egg filled recipe I'll post it.
Nopw that you're forewarned. But beware - it's addictive!