How do I get the lemon into lemon cream sauce?
I needed to make a quick dinner tonight, and I had some chicken, some
milk, lemon juice and capers. I know this isn't the right way to make
anything, but it's all I had to work with. So i tried to make a lemon cream
sauce. I know lemon will curdle milk, so I read some recipes to figure out
how to add the lemon to the cream. Most said simmer the cream with butter,
then add the lemon juice off heat. I thought that when making a sauce with
cream and butter, you need to whisk the butter in off heat so it won't
seperate. I tried simmering the milk with butter and then adding the lemon
juice, but it curdled. I tried simmerring the cream, then addin the lemon
juie and butter off heat, but it curdled. By then I was out of time. Now i
want to know, what's the right way to add lemon to cream?