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Jude Jude is offline
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Default The Turkey Day Tally: How did your dinner turn out?

sf wrote:
> On 26 Nov 2006 10:09:04 -0800, "Jude" > wrote:
> >sf wrote:
> >> >
> >> Hottie or not, I have a BIG problem with the age difference, Michael.
> >>

> >
> >How big is the age difference?

> I'm guessing that there is at a 15-20 year difference. She's old
> enough to be his mother.
> >Me and my honey have 10 years between us, but you'd never guess.
> >One of us must be kinda immature and the other, wise beyond our years =)

> If I was your mother, I probably would have had a stroke. I'm still
> not comfortable with the 4+ year age differences between daughter/bf
> and son/gf.... and these are long time relationships that will most
> likely lead to marriage. Men aren't long lived as it is, so if you
> want to grow old *together*, you need to have one closer in age.

My mom adores him. Likes him better than anyone else I've ever brought
home. We've been together for 2 1/2 years and we're pretty much
long-term, although it may be a while til we have the tim e and energy
for a wedding.

Since he's 10 years younger than me (most woman say to me, YOU GO
GIRL!) we should grow old together anyways, although i'm growing old
much faster than he is!!

I don't know about 20/40, but once you're into your mid to late 20s,
if the compatbilty is there, why worry about the ages? Happiness is
worth much more than a number.