"LadyJane" > wrote in
> PeterL wrote:
>> > T minus ONE DAY and 30 minutes (but who's counting?)
>> >
>> So how long will it be before you're back?
>> Just to bring you back to earth :-)
> <blowing a mighty large raspberry at Peter L!>
> Thank god for dial up connections is all I can say - though loading is
> mind-numbingly slow....
You're on holiday, and you're logging in???!!!
Crack a bottle of chilled white and forget about the internet for
> Get back to Bris officially on 16th although we are making a one day
> flying visit on the 2nd. Have to come back for a local award
> ceremony... amazingly I got nominated! Go figure.
What's it for...... if you're allowed to say :-)
> Had a brilliant trip over, checked in an hour & a half earlier than
> expected which was nice. All unpacked by 1.30pm... had made two
> of ice-cream by 5pm AND dinner.
> God I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
Many 'schoolies' left over there?
Peter Lucas
'Enjoy today, it was paid for by a veteran'