Is FRENCH cooking still the premier cooking in the world?
Julia Altshuler > wrote in message news:<z_4yc.6255$2i5.3685@attbi_s52>...
> Bradwell Jackson wrote:
> > No, actually I'm just curious about cuisine and I like to learn. I
> > like learning for the sake of learning, and I don't even need a grade
> > to make the experience enjoyable.
> If that's the case, start with a question, not an outrageous statement.
Is is outrageous to say that French cooking is the premier cooking of
the world?
> The latter ends up sounding more like a gambit to get others to do
> your homework for you.
How can I find out your opinion by doing homework?
Also, google and the public library are better
> places for that sort of information. Usenet is a great place for
> meeting people and getting their opinions. For fact, you need a better
> source. Afterall, any of us here might be biased, crazy or stupid. We
> might assert something, and it might not be true.
If you have an opinion that others want to hear, what's wrong with
> In order to answer the question about cuisines that are clearly more
> preferred by gourmets around the world, you'd need a clear definition of
> gourmet.
There is a phenomenon called the "new theory of relativiy". It is
related to a previous term: "cultural relativism". The new theory of
relativity states that everything is relative, so there is no use
talking about anything. I could define what gourmet means, but then
you could ask me to define my definition. *That*, to me, is circular
reasoning. This is why I am asking people instead of looking in
books. I want to hear the opinions of others, not some mathematical
Otherwise the logic gets circular: Gourmets around the world
> prefer French cuisine. Therefore French cuisine is the best. How do we
> know those folks are gourmets? Because they like French cuisine!
> Unsophisticated palates prefer Gambian cuisine which we know is inferior
> because unsophisticated palates prefer it. See what I mean?
> --Lia