Thread: Burns
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Tony P.
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Default Burns

In article >, says...
> Lynne wrote:
> > Iburnt my finger in the frying pan and it hurts like mad. what will ta=

> ke
> > the pain away?

> Cold. Ice water or ice wrapped in a towel. All that stuff about butter=20
> and creams is nonsense. Old ways that have been superseded by better ones=
> =2E
> Working in professional kitchens means frequent burns. The trauma unit=20
> of a local hospital had their X-mas banquet in my place one year. I=20
> spilled hot oil (fondue pot - 365=B0F) on my hand in the room where they =

The purpose is to stop the layers of skin from essentially cooking.
That's what heat does to them, and the blistering is the bodies way of
trying to protect the undamaged layers below the cooked/burnt layers.

If you catch it quickly enough you can in fact eliminate a high
percentage of the effects of a burn.

This type of training should be mandatory at all the cooking schools.
But it isn't yet.

For too many years we've paid scant attention to fire safety. Now that
we've had some very gruesome events (The Station fire in West Warwick,
RI is one of them.) things are starting to change.

But at the same time, the business community is bitching and moaning
about who's going to pay for their sprinkler systems. It gets on my