Omelet wrote:
> Got myself a new toy...
> It's partially why I was behind by over 700 posts from the weekend. <G>
> Cabelas was having a 4 hour "black Friday" sale on Friday between 6 am
> and 10 am. Since I get off of work at 7 am, this was perfect.
> I'd read their newspaper ad and they had a nice selection of cool
> things. Cabelas, as a rule, tends to be a bit overpriced on a variety of
> things with the notable exception of ammunition. It's cheaper there than
> at Wal-mart!
> But, I digress...
> They had a nifty little high torque meat grinder marked down from $99.95
> to $49.95 for that 4 hour period and it looked good, so I bought one.
> S2TheMachine.jpg
Is that a #8 grinder or a #12? (size of the plates and knife) It looks
a *lot* like the #12 grinder I bought from Northern a couple of years
ago for about $100.
Wondering how turkey + beef dry salami would turn out,