"Trumpet Fanfare, Maestro, please"
In article <Zclhb.717796$Ho3.164438@sccrnsc03>, "Rick & Cyndi"
> wrote:
> Darnit Barb - quit spammin' and just tell us what the heck you're
> up to! LOL
> It's obvious you and/or your recipes must have got some pretty
> high billing... tell me so I know why I'm fixing to spend $20
> bucks on another cookbook...
> Cyndi
> (picklehatwearingpeoplearesosecretive)
Not especially high billing, but I'm in mighty fine company. Buy the
book. It's got a lot of good recipes in it -- at least they sound
mighty good to me. And Ann is a Home Economist by education (she tested
every recipe) and a very decent writer. She's been working on the book
for a couple years.
My recipe in there is awesome -- and after you buy it and before you
make it, I'll tell you exactly why! Check Amazon. That's as cheap as I
see it; it's only just out. Why is it my recipes always seem to end
up in the back of the book? ? "-)