Thread: Burns
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Default Burns

> Deacon deacon_2002 wrote:

"Bob (this one)" >
>>Lynne wrote:
>>> Iburnt my finger in the frying pan and it hurts like mad. what will take
>>> the pain away?

>>Cold. Ice water or ice wrapped in a towel. All that stuff about butter
>>and creams is nonsense. Old ways that have been superseded by better ones.
>>Working in professional kitchens means frequent burns. The trauma unit
>>of a local hospital had their X-mas banquet in my place one year. I
>>spilled hot oil (fondue pot - 365°F) on my hand in the room where they
>>were. One of them immediately pushed my hand into a big pitcher of
>>iced tea and walked me back to the kitchen that way. Hand got numb
>>pretty quickly. Tea was all down the front of my pants and that cost
>>me a lot of razzing over the next week or so.
>>Back in the kitchen, a nurse put a fair amount of ice into a plastic
>>bag, put a little water in it and put my hand into it. Closed it
>>around my wrist and told me to keep it that way for 4 hours,
>>replenishing the ice as needed to keep it all very cold. Said to take
>>the hand out for about 5 minutes (or until the pain got to be too
>>much) every 15 minutes or so for circulation.
>>Did what she told me. No blisters, no sloughing off of skin. A little
>>redness that disappeared in about 24 hours.
>>The burn was fairly extensive and would have been serious had they not
>>acted as quickly as they did. After that, our standard kitchen
>>treatment was cold. Ice first then water as needed. Our incidence of
>>serious injury diminished drastically.
>>The value of that approach was made very clear a while later. The same
>>accident happened to two people a day apart. Server picking up a glass
>>coffee pot had the bottom fall out and splash them down the legs with
>>hot coffee. First one was hustled into the walk-in cooler, pants off
>>and ice water poured over her legs for about a half hour. Not even
>>redness except under the straps of her shoes (which we didn't notice
>>at the time). Next day, same accident to one of the guys who said he'd
>>just shake it off. No cold water for him; pants on. He missed 4 days
>>of work from the extreme discomfort of the scorched skin and blisters.

>Bob, how long ago did this occur? I can definitely tellyou that
>keeping a body part on ice for four hours is not taught anymore for
>burn treatment. Cold water until the burning sensation subsides is
>all you need, don't use ice as it can cause further tissue death.
>Burn treatment has evolved quite a bit in the last few years....

That's a dumb *LYING* greaseball WOP for ya.

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