In article >,
Deacon > wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 12:21:43 -0400, "Bob (this one)" >
> wrote:
> >Lynne wrote:
> >
> >> Iburnt my finger in the frying pan and it hurts like mad. what will take
> >> the pain away?
> >
> >Cold. Ice water or ice wrapped in a towel. All that stuff about butter
> >and creams is nonsense. Old ways that have been superseded by better ones.
> >
> >Working in professional kitchens means frequent burns. The trauma unit
> >of a local hospital had their X-mas banquet in my place one year. I
> >spilled hot oil (fondue pot - 365°F) on my hand in the room where they
> >were. One of them immediately pushed my hand into a big pitcher of
> >iced tea and walked me back to the kitchen that way. Hand got numb
> >pretty quickly. Tea was all down the front of my pants and that cost
> >me a lot of razzing over the next week or so.
> >
> >Back in the kitchen, a nurse put a fair amount of ice into a plastic
> >bag, put a little water in it and put my hand into it. Closed it
> >around my wrist and told me to keep it that way for 4 hours,
> >replenishing the ice as needed to keep it all very cold. Said to take
> >the hand out for about 5 minutes (or until the pain got to be too
> >much) every 15 minutes or so for circulation.
> >
> >Did what she told me. No blisters, no sloughing off of skin. A little
> >redness that disappeared in about 24 hours.
> >
> >The burn was fairly extensive and would have been serious had they not
> >acted as quickly as they did. After that, our standard kitchen
> >treatment was cold. Ice first then water as needed. Our incidence of
> >serious injury diminished drastically.
> >
> >The value of that approach was made very clear a while later. The same
> >accident happened to two people a day apart. Server picking up a glass
> >coffee pot had the bottom fall out and splash them down the legs with
> >hot coffee. First one was hustled into the walk-in cooler, pants off
> >and ice water poured over her legs for about a half hour. Not even
> >redness except under the straps of her shoes (which we didn't notice
> >at the time). Next day, same accident to one of the guys who said he'd
> >just shake it off. No cold water for him; pants on. He missed 4 days
> >of work from the extreme discomfort of the scorched skin and blisters.
> >
> >Pastorio
> Bob, how long ago did this occur? I can definitely tellyou that
> keeping a body part on ice for four hours is not taught anymore for
> burn treatment. Cold water until the burning sensation subsides is
> all you need, don't use ice as it can cause further tissue death.
> Burn treatment has evolved quite a bit in the last few years....
Yes, it has indeed...
I have nothing to gain from promoting emu oil for burns as my birds are
only pets. I do make a little money off of their feathers on ebay, but
it hardly covers their feed. ;-) They are pets and emus must be
slaughtered to harvest the oil from the body fat. It's the most valuable
part of the bird. I don't raise them for meat anymore and sell any
chicks that Oberon my rooster may hatch each season. I ain't gonna kill
my lovlies!
I have personally experienced the results of using just that on burns
and insect bites, nothing else.
I know it sounds radical and silly, but I've had white skin showing
second degree cooking burns and applying emu oil within minutes of
getting the injury has taken away the pain in less than 5 minutes every
time and prevented blistering. When you burn yourself, you've killed a
layer of skin no matter what you do and it will peel off in good time.
I've never, ever ended up with oozing wounds or scarring when I use emu
It has also taken away the pain within just a few minutes from wasp
stings to my hands, and fire ant bites on my feet.
It is truly wonderful stuff.
Studies have proven emu oil to be far more effective than Silvadene
on even 3rd degree burns to reduce or prevent scarring.
I have friends at work now that swear by it for diaper rash on babies,
and sunburns on both kids and adults.
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra