Goomba38 wrote:
> Craig Welch wrote:
>> I'm always amused by Sheldon's attempts to advise on international
>> matters. For instance, when someone wanted kosher salt in Japan, this
>> was Sheldon's advice: "There must be kosher salt in Japan, search
>> out a Jewish neighborhood".
> Make sense to me actually... assuming there are Jewish neighborhoods?
> LOL I recall Jake in The Netherlands looking for "Crisco" and I knew
> it could be had there in some of the sex shops. He found it just as I
> said.
LOL That's funny! And not everyone who lives in Japan is Japanese, surely?
Tokyo in particular is a very modern metropolis. It's bound to have all
sorts of "western" ingredients available somewhere even if there isn't in an
entire neighborhood community of Jewish people. But that aside, doesn't
Sheldon always say *all* salt is kosher?