Hungarian short ribs
"Becca" > wrote
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> The verdict ... DANG that was good! Just this side of sweet, but
>> all in all, a real keeper. I know the leftovers are going to be
>> excellent.
>> Thanks for all the help, I could have (and will) add more noodles
>> next time.
> Thanks for letting us know how the short ribs turned out. I saved the
> recipe and I will give it a try (I will also add more noodles, just in
> case I need them. You can't have too many noodles!).
Heh, that's my motto. Thing is, about the short ribs, as I was buying
them I was wondering what I was going to do with them. Seems like
every recipe I see for them involves days of planning, then you marinate
them, speak nicely to them then braise them, all while standing on your
head screaming like a chicken. This recipe could not have been easier.