Olive Oil: Color
Andy wrote:
> Members,
> I'm down to my last 1/2 cup of Martinis Kalamata Extra Virgin Olive Oil
> (Product of Greece). Excellent flavor, imho.
> I was at the market yesterday to resupply the olive oil but the problem
> was several-fold:
> 1. The olive oils were yellow OR
> 2. The bottles were green glass, disguising the color OR
> 3. The bottles were opaque or covered entirely by the label, hiding the
> color of the oil altogether.
> I recall a chef (Emerill??), claiming if olive oil isn't green, it's not
> olive oil.
> My Martinis brand is green in clear glass.
> Is the green "is real" olive oil true?
If memory serves, Cook's Illustrated recently did a piece on olive
oils. I seem to
recall it saying that the association between "green" and "quality"
olive oils
is propaganda on the part of Tuscan olive oil makers. Previously,
green olive
oils were considered inferior. Something about acids, I believe.
Oils from places besides Tuscany (e.g., Greece, Spain) are often
yellow. My
favorite everyday extra-virgin olive oil is made from kalamata olives,
and is
quite yellow. (Although I prefer to think of it as "golden", but
is probably ok.)
Buy what tastes good to you.
Cindy Hamilton