Anyone know of a place to buy plain ramen noodles online?
Craig Welch wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > Craig Welch wrote:
> >> Sheldon wrote:
> >>
> >>> Keep in mind that by definition ramen means noodles with the flavoring,
> >>> without the flavoring it is not ramen.
> >> Nonsense.
> >>
> >> Ramen noodles are just a form of noodles.
> >
> > And illiteracy becomes you.
> As evidenced by ... ?
> Why did you quote my signature? Not familiar with Usenet norms?
Because your name was there... why would anyone go out of their way to
add little moron you to a thread, you being there can only lower the
average IQ.
Unlike most I always clean up the attributions to the least amount of
clutter, so if anything there's a far, FAR better chance I will delete
a name rather than add one.
Craig is one of those "C" words: Crotch/****/Craig... you stinkin'
Craig! LOL
Now I can admonish all the WOPs to bathe their Craig! <G>
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . .