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TammyM[_1_] TammyM[_1_] is offline
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Default My dead food processor

On 29 Nov 2006 09:00:52 -0800, " >

>My 9-cup KA food processor (KF500) bit the dust this week after 7 years
>of steady but infrequent service. Methinks it should have lasted
>longer, particularly considering that I used it only 2 or 3 times a
>month. The plastic housing around the stem crumbled, the workbowl no
>longer seats properly, and the stem turns without moving the blade.
>I know a good knife outperforms a food processor any day, but I can
>deal with slightly less good cuts in exchange for the time saved when
>making my favorite fried cabbage dish.
>I think I'm going to go with a Cusinart 11 cupper this time. Any reason
>why I shouldn't?

Wow June... only 7 years of infrequent use? That's terrible! My
first FP was a La Machine, purchased in 1980. Sucker lasted for
more'n 20 years. I now have a Cuisinart (gift) and I don't like the
locking mechanism, makes it tough to clean. I've been told that KA's
are much better in that regard?

Hope you find something that suits your needs AND lasts!
