Anyone know of a place to buy plain ramen noodles online?
ravenlynne wrote:
> > Another who can't comprehend reading. The noodles per se are not
> > called ramen. There are many types of oriental noodles, none are
> > called ramen. Ramen refers to the product of noodle and flavoring
> > packet *together*... call it the name of a combo if you will.... like
> > the fast food "Big Meal", or the "BLT"...
> You're somewhat correct. At the Japanese noodle shops that I used to
> eat at in tokyo, the entire dish was referred to as ramen...the
> noodles, broth, vegetebles and meat that make up the entire thing.
> There is no "packet" used. The noodles are just "noodles"...the entire
> dish is "Ramen".
Yes, that's the way it was in Southern Japan nearly 40 years ago, too.
The bowl of noodles in flavored broth was called Ramen. The stuff in
packets is a fast food version of the dish. -aem