Anyone know of a place to buy plain ramen noodles online?
Craig Welch wrote:
> When faced with ignorance as great as Sheldon's, it's sometimes useful
> to go back to basics. So I looked up 'ramen' in my dictionary.
> Ramen: Chinese noodles [vermicelli].
The first two definitions I got when googling "definition: ramen" we
1. A Japanese dish of noodles in broth, often garnished with small
pieces of meat and vegetables..
1. A Japanese dish of clear broth containing vegetables, noodles and
often pieces of meat.
The dictionary entry goes further and acknowledges the
contemporary grocery store product:
1. Asian instant-style deep-fried noodles that are usually sold in
cellophane packages, sometimes with bits of dehydrated vegetables and
broth mix. 2. A Japanese dish of noodles, small pieces of meat and
vegetables and broth.
That seems to take care of this trivial question. -aem