Wow, what a pie!
I was wandering through our local King Soopers (Kroger) over the weekend
and saw pies on sale. We had finished the last of the Thanksgiving
pumpkin pie and thrown out the last of the chocolate bourbon pecan
(ick), promising ourselves NO MORE DESSERTS till Christmas.
I glanced casually over the display and saw...Marionberry pie! I have
never had marionberry anything, but remember a number of ex-PNW friends
raving about them, so I caved and bought the pie. It was exceptional,
especially with the leftover whipped cream which I had fortunately
forgotten to throw away.
I guess it's just another benefit you left-coasters have over those of
us stuck in the Frozen Middle. (Lets see--IKEA, Trader Joe's, citrus
trees, AN OCEAN, fresh seafood, and now, marionberries. The list keeps
getting longer. Life just ain't fair.)
gloria p