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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default SCOOOOOOOOOORE! My dead food processor

In article . com>,
" > wrote:

> TammyM wrote:
> > Hope you find something that suits your needs AND lasts!

> Just got back from B^3. I had a 20% discount coupon and planned to get
> the Cuisinart 11-cup fp - Cuisinart also has a $20 mail-in rebate going
> on until the end of the year for that model. The original in-store
> price was $199.
> I was on my knees pushing around boxes under the display to get one
> with the fewest dings (I can pretend it was not dropped during shipping
> if the corners are intact) when I saw a slightly beat up box with a
> clearance tag showing a $20 lower price. Coolio, right? I thought maybe
> it was a return or a floor model. I look a little closer - reduced from
> $299?!? Huh? Wait... It's the 14-cup model!
> The manager said they did a price reduction to get it off the sales
> floor, they'd had it for a while and no bites. I opened the box, all
> the parts were there. With the coupon, I walked away with a $300 fp for
> $152. Yee ha!!!
> Holy crap, this thing is huge. I'm going to make fried cabbage tomorrow
> and put it through its paces. It has a 10-year warranty on the motor
> and a 3-year warranty overall. (I've read that the bowl is prone to
> cracking with regular use...) Well, I hope this 'un lasts.
> I am psyched!
> June

Good on you!!
I'm on my second or third. The indestructible Lexan pieces destruct and
it's damn near cheaper, catching a sale, to buy a whole new unit than
the bowl/cover/parts pieces. And I'll likely be with Cuisinart until I
die because I've got about $300 worth of various slicing, dicing,
julienning disks for it.

-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
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Brittle and Nancy's Hungarian Short Ribs 11-30-2006