Charles Shaw - 2 buck chuck - thoughts?
Should start an entire new thread on this but here goes.
Pricing on wine in USA is high. And for the most part our consumption per
capita is low. I do not have the exact statistics. So even if we grow in
consumption its still lower than France, Italy, Spain, Portugall Argentina
One of the big dfferences is the availability of very good inexpensive daily
drinking wine. Which really does not exist here.
What two buck did was nothing different that they have in Spain every day.
The grocery stores there have lots of inexpensive Rioja for under $3.00 USA
that the same bottles sell for over $20 here.
Today we are in a phase or marketing where a new product comes out and is at
Niemen Marcus, Nordstrom.....eventually it gets to Belk, Sears, JC
Penny.....but when its available at Walmart, Target its gone mainstream and
will achieve critical mass. With crtitcal mass the market pressures bring
pricing down.
Austrailia, while a much younger wine country is there already.
Why we are not getting there I am not sure. Our culture, perhaps the
religious right something is keeping us from developing.
The result is we have 3 tier distribution in many a state that keeps pricing
high, large wineries make big money, small ones make a living. Consumers
pay more. Why?
"Dave" > wrote in message
Richard Neidich wrote:
> I agree with Joe and Stig...
> If you like 2 Buck Chuck you should drink it!!! Everyone has differing
> pallets and think of it this way...if you like it for $2.00...imagine how
> much you save. Then as Joe suggested try other more expensive and at
> least
> see of you can tell the difference.
Cheers Dick. That's exactly my sentiments. Don't like the price? Move
to France. Get used to $2 (and good) wines. Vive la résistance!