One time on Usenet, "ravenlynne" > said:
> Little Malice wrote:
> > One time on Usenet, said:
> >
> > > "Easy as pie" is false, but I do think pie is easier than cake.
> >
> > Heh! Earlier tonight I was telling DH about the pie crust
> > discussion; I said that any boob could make a cake (I can),
> > but pie crust is hard. I guess we all have our strengths
> > and weaknesses... :-)
> I think cake is naturally easier, but I've gotten good at pie crust. I
> make it a lot because we eat a lot of cajun meat pies.
Ooooh, that sounds good! Got a recipe?
I think my biggest problem is I'm intimidated by pie crust.
(Perturbed by pastry, my parents must be so proud.) :-P I
tried to make a banana cream pie for my BIL when I was 18
and the crust was overworked -- tough and nasty. I didn't
get into any serious cooking until I got married in the late
80s and by then I'd convinced myself that I just couldn't do
it. If I really needed a pie for something, my Mom (RIP) would
make it (she made the bestest pie crust ever!). And when they
started making those refrigerated pie crusts, I went over to
the dark side. They're just so darn easy! ;-)
But truth is, I don't like the way they taste. And until it
was mentioned here, I never looked at the ingredients list;
now I'm afraid to! So I'll have to get over my fear of failure
one of these days and make a home made pie crust. Right now,
I'm actually sticking to my low-cal diet (lost 3 pounds in my
first week, woo-hoo!), so I won't be doing it soon, but I'll
keep in mind that damnit, I *can* make a pie crust if I really
try. I'll be asking a lot of questions of you guys when the
time comes... :-)
Jani in WA