Thread: Burns
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Casey Wilson
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Default Burns

We, my wife and I, have a few pots of Aloe (?Vera) plants here and
there. One is nearby the kitchen. I do all the cooking and, klutz that us
men are, will occasionaly get some part of my body, usually hands, mostly
the digits, scalded, grilled, roasted, fried, or in some way burned.
My immediate first aid is to remove whatever is feeling pain from
whatever is causing it including wiping off any oil or grease. (BTW, a slice
of bread works better there than a paper towel.) From there, I cut off a
stem of the Aloe close down by the trunk, lay it out on a piece of waxed
paper, and use the round handle from a wooden spoon to smoosh out about an
inch or two of the gooey stuff inside the Aloe stem -- more if the burned
area is larger than usual -- starting from the cut end.
I slather the gooey stuff over the burned area as thick as I can. It
ain't pretty, but in my case relief is nearly instantaneous! Then I go to
work pressing out the rest of the Aloe gel from the stalk to keep it at
hand. When I feel some discomfort on the burned area, I smear on some more
My worst case was a splash of boiling water across the entire front of
my left leg. By the time I got the Aloe spread on, I could feel the first
stages of true shock setting in. It took three stalks of Aloe for the first
application. The stuff the emergency room doctor smeared on didn't relieve
the pain nearly as well. When I got home a couple hours later, I washed his
stuff off and put Aloe on again -- felt lots better.
Keep in mind, I'm not talking about some drug store product that claims
to have Aloe, I'm talking about the raw stuff right out of the plant. The
thicker the better.
It worked on my wife's sunburn last summer, also.
